Adawir rabi3!:p

You guys I really need your help!
But I cant just write it out here because I know some of the people who are following my blog. I like know them personally, and stuff, so Im pissed! My blog used to be the place where I can 6ali3 7arity, reach out for help, and like say whatever I want lana Im anonymous ou theres no one to judge ou ba6eekh .. Not anymore

I duno. I do trust the people that I told them about my blog, I wouldnt have said anything if didnt trust them. Bes Im just the type of person that keeps EVERYTHING to herself, and when I do actualy need help, I pretend that Im asking help for someone else.

That sucks, you should see how many drafts I have ! Some go to the story, that I have to finish off sometime very soon, bes it keeps on relating to me, so I keep on changing ou editing, so yeah ...

El muhim shaswi ba3ad,
How're ya'll 9ooming? :p
What are the mosalsalat that youre following?
Shaku maku :p .. How'd you spend your summers? Ouu .. Whose ready to go back to schoool!?;D
I start university this year! Im scared! And I still dont know if Im staying here for uni wala baraaa ..! Argh, nerve wrecking walah!

Enough of that:p ..

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