All I See Is Black.

I know you guys eb tithbi7oony! Marraaah I post chithy 8 posts eb youm wa7id, ou faj2a two weeks I dont post ..

Batcher: Theres One Coming Up.

Everyone remembers 6alal, who helped write posts, since I wanted to do something new, something diffrent, ena mu bs we get a girls point of view, but a guys.
After the summer holiday, 6alal disappeared. No phone calls, no bbms, actually I was deleted off of his list. I called his house countless times, and when his maids, hear my name they closed it on my face.

6alal is a family friend. He spent his days at our place more than anything. Why did he leave so suddenly. Why are all my calls being transfered to his voice mail? Why does his little sister close the phone eb wayhi.
My mom didnt have an answer. She would change the topic whenever his name was mentioned.

For months, I was angry, I waited for an answer, but no one gave it to me. And for every night that passed I promised my self that I would smack him the day I saw, and if anyone from his family dares calls I will bring hell on earth.

How stupid of me, I was lieing to myself.

March 29,2010 5:00pm
My phone viberated widely under my pillow as I took my daily siesta.
4 Missed Calls. Bleh,a weird number. As I was going to put my phone back under the pillow the number called again.

"Yes" I grumbled.
"WaayWaaay" a young girls voice. She choked back tears.
"Hayona?" I knew that voice very well, too well. It was 6alals little sister.
"WayWaay I miss you! Please" she burt into tears at this point.
"Hayona, shfech hun, Im here for you, shfeech ga3da tabcheen!" I tried comforting her. Even though I had a million questions to ask even though I promised my self to turn into a mad woman when I hear from them, I didnt. My cold heart, turned soft. The fire that burned in me, wasn't there anymore.

"WayWaay, 3ady we go to the free trade zone, i have a project to do, and I need your help. I dont know how to use a mac"
Men 9ejha, thats why she's calling me? Bs yalla I though, agdar as2lha things there.
"Elyoum tabeen ..?"
"Yes, let me ask my mom"
I heard mummbles but I made out some words from here mother and they were "Its about time she knows."
"I'll wait for you there" I told her.

I dressed up and ran down stairs, and before I can ask my mom she said 'Tabeny ayeey wiyach"

"Haw mama, tadreen wain baru7 u9lun?"

"Eee mama, mu 6al3a ma3a Haya bitu7oon el free trade zone?"

"Ee, bs i dont see why would you want to come.."

"Oh ya3ny .. " I gave her a weird look "Yallaah ru7ay its okay, have fun bs goulay 7ag el sayig yig3ad ma3ach etha okhwanich eb yi6li3oon ana a6ali3hum"

I was like "ok-aaaay" ou I grabbed my wallet, and blackberry and headed out.

I called the number that Haya called me from. After a few rings she picked up, "Hey ay cafe tabeen etru7enla?"

"Caribou!" she shrieked. "Btw, e7na warakum"

I looked back and noticed she was in 6alal's Range Rover. It was now tinted pitch black. My heart sank, was it him driving?

When we parked, his driver came down and salam 3ala our driver, I was disappointed, that it wasnt 6alal.

Then I saw, the baby girl I used to know has grown into a teenager. Wearing a juicy training suit, and had her beautiful black hair put back in a sleek pointy tail.
She ran to me and hugged me. And all i felt from her was pure sorrowness.

We sat down after ordering a drinks.
It was time "Why, 3gub all this time, el et9akreena eb wayhi, ou your nannĂ­es close the phone eb wayhi, ou everything simply everything do you call back?"

Her eyes filled with tears. "WaayWaay, the answer isnt with me, wait .. "

She slowly pushed her chair backwards and looked like she almost picked up her legs to head to whereever she was heading.

I was furious that I just looked the oppostie direction. I cuffed my face in my own hands when I smelled something familiar. I felt big hands over my shoulder.

I turned into a statue. Even my tears froze.

I slowly turned around.
6alal. My best friend, my soldier, my .. everything, was standing there.
But something wasn't right with his apperance. He was wearing RayBans ou kan thalma.

Seconds later, I got up, I dont know how I managed to stand on my feet but I did. And he didnt even look at my direction. He had his head hanging down, focused on where I was sitting. Haya right next to him.

And thats when I broke down. In hysterics, I cried.
"3gub sheno? 3gub ma you leave without a trace? 3gub nights of leaving countless voicemails?! 3GUB WHAT 6ALAL? You were part of MY FAMILY! Part of my LIFE! Then you just walk away? Your a fucking jerk tadry. I hope you do and just incase you didnt get that awal mara, khalny a3eedha, A FUCKING JERK!!" A couple who were meeting up next to us freaked out. And 6alal kept looking around, moving his hands to find something to touch.
"Im sorry Haya, but mithil ma sawaitaw feny kelekum, I have to walk away. Salmay 3ala oumich." I grabbed my stuff, and ran to the car. The drivers saw me crying, and they both ran right past me to 6alal.

"Sir sir dont fall!" they screamed from the top of their lungs.

He looked stumbled over the chairs, and got himself up. He was almost going to fall off the 2 steps. Chena he didnt see them.

Haya ran to me. "You dont get it Waay Waaay!" She pulled me with all her force towards 6alal as she cried a river. "6ALAL IS BLIND!"

I could have swore that the devil kicked my right in the stomache. I couldnt breathe.

"WaayWaay" he finally spoke. His voice was a drug that I longed for.

"Dubai, eb Dubai .. " And I saw a tear move down those glasses.

And then I remembered, it was the first family gathering we had, when everyone was talking about an accident that took place in Dubai during the break, in which the Kuwaitis were badly injured.

I didnt want him to say anything. It wasnt worth recalling this stupid incident.
Without thinking about anything, I hugged him. I hugged him tight, I hugged him for as long as I can.

We sat back down. And they told me the story. Just as I was about to let out a tear he said "Dont you dare let that tear escape those eyes WaayWayy, Hatha allaah ely katba"

I asked all the W's Questions.
Why: "Ma kent aby afashlich, I was a disgrace."

I was so upset that he would think of himself that way. His perfectly shaven saksuka, his short hair. I prayed that it was April Fools.

It wasnt. It was a pure kick in the ass of reality.

The last words I told him before we left were "Im always going to be here. No matter how you are." I helped him get up, and get intto the car.

I went back home stoned. My mom didnt ask me a question as I went back up to my room. I didnt turn on the lights. I layed in the dark. Made my way around my room. For three hours I tried to live the life of a blind person. The cuts I have on my knees and bloody toes explain it all. Not that Im messy, and have things thrown all over the place, but with all the sharp edges, that I relied on my eyesight to guide me I wasnt able to get through.. It was impossible. Imagine that one gift we take for granted is taken away. So suddenly ..

I promised myseld I wasnt going to cry. But I was going to help him, though it all. No matter how much of my time and energy it was going to take.

It wasnt until today, that I found out that there was a doctor, from Germany who was in Kuwait, that was going to look over 6alal's case.
Im going to every appointment with him. I wasnt there for him all this time, I was going to be there for the rest. 6alal I know Haya is going to read you this, and Im sorry for everything. My tongue was tied back then. It still his around you. I cant apologize. I cant say much. I love you though please understand that.

Im not saying this because we've found a doctor, Im saying this because even if things dont work out, I want to assure you that I will ALWAYS be there no matter what.

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Here's My Hand (Part 23)

She opened up the door, just a little bit. She washed up her face for sure cuz that greeen mask was off!;p

Who ever the dude was opened up the door just a little more and pulled out his hand which i found really cute! "Ta3alay .. " He said.

6el3at bara el bab and we sat on the dinning table.

"Who is he?" he asked, straight out and blunty.

"No-no one" fuzz replied.

"Who are you u9lun?" I asked.We needed to know he was, riiiiight?

"Well im with the guys at the chalet next door, they asked me to call you outside, fa lama sema3t a7ed yabchi dashait, bs entaw mastw3abtaw"

"Name?" I asked as i raised my eyebrows

'Rakan' Okay, anyways I thought in my head, shagoul, im not really good in those introduction stuff.

"Who is he" he asked again keeping his eye on Fuzz.

"Jus-Ah-Just a friend"

"I doubt a friend would just do that"

Her eyes moved quickley to me, then back at him, and back to me"

"No one, yala lets go please." she finally said.

Rakan finally took his eyes off of her, and stared at the table. I saw her go up stairs, and he just sat down.

"I dont get it, she's beautiful, o yebayin 3alyha mu7tarama, laish rathya beli ga3id yi9erlaha!"

"Love plays a role .. it breaks the heart, and fools the mind" I said. "Yalla Rakan, goum we'll join the rest bara"

He seemed to snap out of his own little world, "Enshala, o tara ee asif eny dashait eb quwa o .. ee asif "

"Dont be, coming into people chalets seems totally these days"

Fuzz came downstairs with her hair pulled back in a pony tail, wearing long leggings, an over sized "I (Heart) NY" Shirt, a jeans vest over it, and bright red flipflops. I saw Rakan look at her, ba3dain nazal rasa ebsir3a and he opened the door 7agna.

Our nanny was cleaning the windows, and she called out my name.

"Nadia! Oh Nadiaaaaaaaa!"

"Yes i looked at her"

"Ur phone!"

She jumped off the ladder and gave me my blackberry, ou as you all might have guessed, there were countless BBM's, emails, and a few missed calls.

I skimmed through them as i made my way to the group who were chilling in the sun, deleting pointless broadcasts and all that.

I sat next Reem and Yousif came up, "Burgers or hotdogs?" he asked.

Reem ya3ny ethgeela o mataby takel rif3at khashimha "Ew, nawya atsamam men akilkum, i pass"

I almost burst into laughter! Men 9ejha? Reem lo a cow jidamha takla alive! Mayhimha!

"Two burgers"

"2 for you? wain eru7 el akel!?" Yousif asked me.

"It will go up your nose, i meant 7agy ou 7agha, thaky"..

"I knew that"he said.

Yablena the food, and we eat in silence, which was really weird! Whispers were only heard baina e7na banat as they munched their food and made remarks about the guys.

Anyways you guys remember ther weird dude? el nathrata kanaw wa9kha .. he didnt wana help us out? He broke the silence ..

"Entaw eb ay madresa?"

No one answered so I did. "XXX"

"Ee adry" he replied back as her threw the butt of his cigg on the sand.

Why is he asking 3ayal! and how would he know..

One of the guys shot him a look, which i caught bel 9edfa..

"Wa3rf enkum kelkum seniors, 9a7 wala ghala6"

I looked at Reem and then I scanned the others girls faces, we all had confused faces, the guys too!

"shma3na ma 3izamtaw Fara7 wala ya3ny entaw banat .." his voice trailed off.

"Banat nas" Reem said pissed not knowing where this was heading off..


I stood up, "You didnt finish off your sentance, we didnt say anything about Fara7, you said entaw banat .. and we finished off ena e7na banat nas, enta you defined Fara7 yourself"

"Tara a3arifha" he said

"Round of an applause!" Reem called out.. Ou ge3dat et9afig "Enzain ou ba3dain?"

"Ya3ny ti3ziomnha! 9ij ma tisti7oon 3ala wyhokum" he spit out with a dirty look

"LA E7LIF! SHALAHYNA O KAIFNA! BA3AD 9AR EL NA3ZIM EL BANAT QA9B!" Munera lost it, but she looked funny, chenha 3ayouza lama titkalam. One hand one her hip and another flying all over the place..

"Tara yaya" he said coldly.

Right after that sentace we saw a jetski coming close, o etijah our chalet. We heard a girl shriek, bes we saw a guy driving it.

Lama it stopped we got a closer view. It was Fara7, he curly blonde bleached hair was wet, and she had bold red lipstick on.

Lama nezlat men el jetski we all gasped as she took of her life vest off. She was in a cheap shimmering gold string bikini, something you'd probably find in those stores where they sell nurse costumes el you know 7ag sheno ..

"WOHOOOOOOOO!" she screamed as she bounced off and ran towards us flipping her hair left and right."THAT WAS FUNNN!"

The guys wayihum .. well how bout you guys picture that.

"HI GIRLIEEEEEEES!" she shrieked as she saw us

"Byeeeee freak!" Munera said as she headed to the chalet.

"Uh!" she put her hand on her mouth and popped out her eyes.

"Baby!" she ran to khallaaf and kissed him on the cheek.

I almost threw up in my mouth, she was sure that I saw this whole scene"

"How aaaaaare you sexy lil thing!" as she held his hand

"We are leaving" I said. I couldnt take it.

Reem grabbed my shoulder to cover that b*tches view. I went off to yousif and thanked him 7ag the lunch, and walked away.

"Naaaadia honeeeey!" she called out. I turned around and faked a smile for her.
"Did you see that?"

Buga shay ma chifta ana? "What part?"

Reem pulled me away "Babes emshay mu lazim tismi3een crap men burned barbies"

"The part where i kissed him" she flicked her hair and pointed at that midget.

I turned around and started walking back to our chalet, chan she ran towards us and stopped infront of us, "Well you see, i play the game the way i want too, and you, hon-eeeeeeeeeey cant do shit about it. Tataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"

I could have punched her straight out that very second. And lama wei9lna 3ind bab el chalet I looked back, the guys were gone, Yousif was coming our way, and Fara7 was on that asses lap.

I heard a camera's shutter snap picture after picture rapidly, wala i see munera with her professional camera taking pictures through the window like crazy!

"Yal khebla shg3da etsaweeeeeeen!" I went to her

"You expect us to see you hurt ou naskit, 7abebty, we're bringing her DOWN!"

Ba6ait-ha thi7ik, "entay! i loveeeeee you!" I squished her cheeeeeks hard

"Okay thats enough now" ou she went back to snapping pictures..

"Nadoya ta3alay yousif yabeech" Reem called out.

6ela3t 3ala el porch wala he was standing there, "We're look listen wala we're sorry"

"3ala" pretending i didnt care

"That" he pointed at the sex scene they were putting on for the world to see without even looking at them

"Men 9ejik! dont be, 3ady, wasnt your fault" I faked a smile even though this whole thing was eating up my insides slowly.

"La wala mo qa9dna u9ln man3rfa 3adel! tawa em7wl men jam3t *** o 3iraf wa7id men el rabi3 fa gelna ni3zma ehny you know 3ashan maykon awkward o chithy"

"Oh well.." i played with my phone wala it hit me "Hey! since everything has been building up with such chaos laish ma etyoon lama tenkisir el shams shwaya o we can play cards o stuff madry"

"Nice" he shot Reem a smile, "Khallaa9 ana agoul 7ag el shabab" Ou sorry mara thanya

"Dont be"

I stepped in and flopped on the sofa "AH air condition!"

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(Part 22)

I Cant View Your Comments, Wala Shaaaaaay!;(
So If I Dont Reply Back, 3ala Your Comments Spicifically, Please Lat3a9boon!;s
Wai3, Im Getting Quite Pissed. These Technical Problems Can Get Me Leave This Blogger Atmosphere.
Anyway Lana Ems Post Can Quite Short, So This Is A Bit More 3ala Ma An6ir Ahly Yitjahizoon 3ashan Ne6la3 7ag Lunch:p

The Day Of The BBQ :: Nadia
"Yallaaaaaah you lazy heads the guys are already up bara BBQ'ing!" Reem called out men ta7at.

Me and Faye stood on the top of the stairs,
"Babes you guys go ahead me and Dodo will follow up b3adain, we have face masks on!"

Reem blew up into hysterics when she saw us, with greenish white face masks ..

"Yeah you take your time and we'll head out, toodels love ou bbm etha ti7tajoun shay and ill be here in a gippy"

"Aighties! Have fun!"

We went down and saw the girls head out, one by one as each one took a peak in the mirror before she leaves, how pathetic i thought.

"Fuzz, if you wana go ru7ay wala bs ana kelish mali khilg"

"No hun, wala ana, 3adool would kill me if he found out there were guys here.. you know"

"Ohh yeaaah! Shakhbar 3adel? Last time you talked to me about him kan tawa beqdim 3ala med school! sh9ar 3allay?"


"We can have this as a talk your heart out day if you want?" i said wiggling my eyebrows

"Ee i think i need that .. kelish ma3indy a7ed akalma about the chaos im in.."

"Haw? laaish sha9yer"!"

She gave me a weird puzzled look and flopped down on the sofa.

"Aaaaaaaahh " she let out a big sigh.

"Spill the beans hun!"

So she started, "Well you know me and 3adel have been dating for what? 2 year and a half? So yeah it was perfect awal shay.. maybe too perfect, and I should have known we were gona crash, sooner or later.. I guess"

"So you guys broke up?" she wasnt making any sense i thought.

"No Nadz, I cant.." That very second it hit me. I knew it, I always did, bes i couldnt confront her.

"Thats why you've been absent so many days, and ... " my voice trailed off. I wasnt going to finish unless I was positive I was walking on the right road.


She fiddles with her phone which reminded me that i had no idea where i placed my blackberry last night, but who cares, whatever, this girl needed some serious help! Ou she definately needed to drain her heart!

"Gouleely kelshay from A to Z, dont leave everything out"

So she started.
"So we met when he was a senior ou his dream was to be a lawyer, but his dad pressured him to being a sugeron which he had simply no interest in! And since he had the grades, he had no choice but to follow his dads orders. El muhim, he continued being the greatest guy ou kelshay, lay the year started. Well actually halfway through it. He slowly began hanging out with some weird guys, ou kela raye7 el chalet, but he said it was his getaway from the chaos he had back in his house, and he'd call evey night check up on me, ou etha 3umry 6elabt mena shay he'd get it or do it. Bs suddenly after radait men paris with you guys last year, he changed."

Her eyes filled up with tears, she stopped and looked out the window.

"What happened" I rubbed her feet

"When we came back my parents had a buisness trip and we still had two more days before school started. I thought he was angry because ma kan rathy ena asafir with the school, he was always over protected with me being around the guys.. So i called him up and we met up at my chalet."

She started sobbing here "But he came to me drunk, he wobbled, he cursed, he couldnt even stand straight for 2 full seconds, and he eventually beat the hell out of me"

I gasped, mu men 9eja 3ADEL!? Theeeee-y 3adel? He was the most mu7taram guy! He was smart, he tutored us and he made sure we had an A in every classs!

"Didnt stop there.." she added "Now he's on drugs, i duno what, i duno how, all i know he does, bs Nadia 7elfely matgoulen 7ag a7ed not a soul! no one knows please nadia!"

"Dont- faye.. omg .. look dont worry, i wont bs how, i mean ahh"

"I tried breaking up, but in the middle of the night, he'd show up jedam baitna high on god knows what, calling me threatning etha ma 6ila3tla, he's be ringing the door bell and asking to talk to my dad"

She choked over her tears .. Madry sheno agoul, I hugged her tight. That cruel ass hole. "Please Nadia latgouleen 7ag a7ed please, sim3ty o ahly .. "

"Dont worry, ma7ad be3arf shhhh .. "

"A7m"- A mans voice was at the door.

There was a guy, leaning on the door, with his fists clenched tight between his sides.

She looked at the voices direction, her eyes wided, as she covered her mouth.

"NO! please ma sima3t shay .. please gouly you didng hear anything!"

All he did was nodd. She ran to the bathroom and locked her self in.

"WHO ARE YOU TO COME IN CHITHY!" I screamed at him.

"Reem sent us to call you, we were up for beach volleyball."

"Get out now" I said in a tern voice.

"You have to pulll me out of here because Im not."


He pushed aside and made his way to the bathroom.I caught my reflection in the mirror and remembered i still had the mask on.

I ran into the kitched and washed my face, and ran back to the bathroom door.

"Fuzz open up the door, please its me.."

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Okay 3ashankum homies!:p, the post you've been waiting for, ou wala kelkum thank you so much for waiting ou still actually following my blog! wala jad i didnt expect it AT ALL!
anyways madry shfee if its only me wala kel el blogers bs i cant color code the stuff i write wala i change el font, so wala its not me being lazy, i just cant!
Wetha ay a7ed yi3arf how to solve this problem, ebleeeeez tell me!;(

PREVIOUSLYBa3dain nadait the nanny to bring a bowl with water ou I soaked in cotton balls and cleans up his wound.

The whole time as I cleaned his foot, I felt his eyes burn into my skin.

I cleaned it, wrapped it, and taped his foot.

I shoved his foot off my lap and took off the scarf as I gasped for air.

"Ahhh" I let out a seigh of relief.

My hair was covering my face, and ma wa3ait ela ohwa he bent down jidami and wakhar sha3ry men 3aini ou tucked it behind my ear.


"Your beautiful tadreen" he said.

Nadia, I'm gona kill you, shit shit shagooooul!

"Well duh, you should have known by now, I walk the walk and talk the talk" men 9ijy! WAS THAT WHAT I CAN SAY!

"And i love your thiqa as well"

"Yeah, no.. Can you walk ebru7ik wala anady Nadia's 7aris so he can help you over there?"

"Taben el sayig yisa3edny wentay ehny!" I could have swore his eyeballs popped out.

"I'll walk with you but not help" I said. How was i going to help him? Did i ever mention I was an ant next to him? He was tall.

"Khala9 rathy!" El ebtisama shgat wayha

So he got up and he wiggled and wobbled a bit, but I stopped myself from helping him, even though I really thought I needed too.

Just as he was getting down the steps Nadia popped out of the door with a plate full of cupcakes ..

"This is for you but here Reem githby miskeen he can barely find his own balance" she said then turned to him. "So no more breaking eneteries, and if you need anything you ring the bell, not break a window" she smiled and winked at me.

Mayo Dude
Something wasnt right with Reem. Okay I've passed a thousand girls, el minhum maqroreen, wly menhum stubborn, bs Reem's diffrent. Why do I see pain painted all over her face, ou no one else seems to notice it?

"Mashkoora ma ga9artay!" I said as I eyed those delicious cupcakes "Ou I'll pay for it all, dont worry!"

"Dont bother, bs take care of ur foot, you might want to go to the doctor, to get him look at it." Nadia said, as she moved away from us indicating she had to leave.

As she went into the chalet I saw Reem reach the bottom step.

"Today?" she tapped her foot furiosly, as she huffed.

I got down and our walk was quite, I didnt know how to ask her properly, and I didnt want anyone to bother us, so ne6art lay kena exactly halfway between the girls chalet and ours.

I grabbed her arm, not meaning any harm. She was in shock, her eyes grew wide .. "Reem shfeech" With her facial expressions ehya khari3atny.

"Im sorry, I have to go"

"Reem no your not, shfeeech!" I pulled her to a tanning bed and let her sit down. "Your not yourself, shfech! wetha geltay mafech shay .. well dont you dont know whats going to happen"

She looked at the cupcakes, didnt move and inch. I bent down to her knees, and tried to get her to look at me but she refused too.

"Reem you can trust me tadreen?"

"Sure I can, i dont even know your name!" her lips finally released those words, just loud enough for me to hear them over the crashing waves.

"Yousif".. "My names Yousif"

She lifted her head just enough for our eyes to meet for less than a micro second.

"We should get going" she said.

"La2 bitgouleely shfech!"

"Nothing" It was a sad, pleading for love and lonely tone.

"Reeem oh Reem, shbasawi feech? Theres no fooling me"

She looked away at the ba7ar, then at the sky.

I rubbed her bare kneees as I saw her shiver as a cold of swift air hit us. "Reem 6al3eeny bs 7ag digeega..."

She looked up and kept her eyes straight into mine.

"I dont know you 3adil, bs for some reason I just see pain all over your face..Im here to talk to, If you wana just forget the world o hamha or if you want to talk about something emthaygich"

She smiled, not a full smile, the one that just had her lips curled up at one side.

"Haa mayridich ela elsanich" I added

"Enshallah, bs yalla you should get going"

She helped me up, then carried the cupcakes. "Mu geltay no physical contact" I smirked at her.

"I would have 3alaqt 3ala ur hands on my knees, but yeah whatever.. you started it !"

"So you let me because you liked it didnt you?"

"No shaku whatever.."


"Oho, Im not admiting to anything, yala were here, here are the cupcakes and I'll be leaving"

Just as she was going to leave, BuS3oud feta7 el bab.

"I see you've taken care of the 7aramy"

"With the goodness of my heart I did, and please keep an eye on him. I did help him out once, and aided his foot, bes next time I'll break it!"

She winked, flicked her hair and walked away..

BuS3oud wegaf jedamy, ma retha eny adish..

"Malat 3alaik! fashaltna! Aku a7ed yisawy chithy?"

"Yuba kint you3an! Ou hathoula kanaw latheteeehn!" I pulled up the plate jedam wayha

"Shesemha?" He asked faj2a

"Um Reem? Laish"

He ran to the side of the porch and screamed "REEEEEM!"

She didnt answer bes she looked back.

"Because of the incident with our friend batcher el ghada 3alyna, bensawi BBQ, goulay 7ag bajy el banat, ou its not something you can turn down okay?"

She called back "Enshallaaah" and joggeb back to her chalet.

Bs HEY! Thank me:( Sawait Shay!:p

Etha 3indy wakt I'll post batcher ba3ad
Bs tara wala you guys el load 3alay mu 9ij! Litterly 3-4 hours of studying bidoun breaks EVERY DAY! its not even funny, ma yamdeny asawi wala shay!

So adry enkum veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery i mean VERY patient, ou i love you guys for that, bs lat3a9boon etha at2akhar men post lay post okaik?

A7ibkum wayid!;*

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